PTSD services offered in San Antonio, TX
Suppose you’ve experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. In that case, the psychological effects of your experience may last for months or years after the incident in a condition known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At Aura Psychiatry, PLLC in San Antonio, Texas, our providers use various uses various effective (research-proven) methods to help you recover from PTSD and live a fulfilling life. Call Aura Psychiatry, PLLC, or make an appointment online today. Telehealth visits are also available.
PTSD is a specific type of anxiety that develops after a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, terrorist attack, combat, or a violent personal assault.
Today, psychiatrists and mental health specialists understand that many stressful situations could lead to the development of PTSD and that it isn’t limited to combat. For example, many people who have experienced domestic violence suffer from it. Many people with substance abuse disorders may also have PTSD.
It’s important to remember that everyone has a unique response to trauma and what triggers your PTSD symptoms may or may not affect anyone else the same way. Your feelings, thoughts, and fears are your own, and you don’t need to feel ashamed or embarrassed.
PTSD causes four types of symptoms: intrusive thoughts, avoidance behaviors, negative thoughts and feelings, and heightened arousal and reactive symptoms:
Intrusive Thoughts
Intrusive thoughts are frequent, repetitive memories, nightmares, or flashbacks of your traumatic event. Your flashbacks or nightmares may be so vivid and realistic that you feel like you’re reliving the event.
Avoidance behaviors
When you have PTSD, you may also avoid people, places, or objects that remind you of the trauma and trigger your memories or flashbacks. You may also avoid talking or even thinking about the event. Over time, avoidance can severely disrupt your life and wellness as you suppress your memories and limit your interactions and activities.
Negative thoughts or feelings
Following trauma, it’s common to have negative or angry thoughts or feelings about yourself or others. You may have ongoing fears, shame, or guilt and feel estranged from others.
Heightened arousal and reactive symptoms
PTSD can cause you to feel jumpy or on edge. You might be irritable and prone to angry outbursts. You may behave recklessly or in a self-destructive manner. It’s also common to have difficulty concentrating and making decisions.
Call Aura Psychiatry, PLLC, or schedule a consultation online today for personalized, effective treatments for PTSD.