Paranoia services offered in San Antonio, TX
Paranoia is a common symptom of severe psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and paranoid personality disorder. If you develop paranoid thoughts, talk to our providers at Aura Psychiatry, PLLC in San Antonio, Texas. We excel in helping patients recognize their paranoia and reduce its hold on them. To benefit from expert treatment of paranoia delivered with compassion, call Aura Psychiatry, PLLC and schedule an in-person or telehealth consultation. You can also book an appointment online today.
Paranoia is a feeling of suspicion and distrust that’s typically irrational. It might start with mild discomfort or nervousness about your environment or people around you but can develop into ideas and beliefs that adversely affect your mental well-being.
Many people experience paranoid thoughts at times, but if you have a mental health disorder that causes paranoia, the feelings and ideas are persistent and highly distressing.
Paranoia symptoms include:
- Getting upset about imagined criticisms
- Tending to be argumentative
- Problems with forgiveness
- Hypervigilance (increased alertness)
- Fear of being deceived
- Inability to relax
- Lacking trust in others
- Believing people have hidden motives
Each person’s experience of paranoia is unique to them, but there are some common themes. For example, you might believe an organization or government agency is watching you. People with paranoia often think that everyone is staring at them or talking about them or that others are intentionally upsetting them.
You might believe facial expressions in others are a sign they’re laughing at you and expect people to be whispering about you out of earshot. You might feel that your possessions or life are in danger.
Many things can cause or worsen paranoia, including:
- Your genes
- Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia
- Parkinson’s disease
- Stroke
- Epilepsy
- Brain cancer
- Age-related hearing, sight, and other sensory changes
- Amphetamine use
- Trauma or abuse
- Social isolation
- Major life changes
- Exposure to certain toxins
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV mania)
- Sleep deprivation
- Substance abuse
- Drug addiction withdrawal
Suddenly stopping certain medications can result in paranoia.
Paranoia is also a common symptom of several serious psychiatric disorders, including borderline personality disorder, paranoid personality disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and schizoaffective disorder.
To address the cause of your paranoia, call Aura Psychiatry, PLLC today or book an appointment online.